Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times

The Path to Divine Liberation

In modern-day society, as the materialistic ideals of Western culture begin to fracture their way into the rest of the world, our attachments towards objects and people begin to deepen. We constantly associate ourselves with worldly objects, whether it be wealth, fame, power, or status by using the words “I” or “mine” in our sentences. In doing so, we automatically form that bondage between ourselves and a material object within our minds. As life progresses, the number of attachments we have increases exponentially, ultimately clouding our minds from the true purpose of life – reaching divinity.

So then, how do we remove these blockades in our minds and attain that divine force? The answer is to detach ourselves from all objects by perceiving these objects as the divine’s rather than our own. When we perform tasks on behalf of others, we ensure that the task is done to utmost perfection, as we are doing it for others rather than ourselves. Similarly, when we associate all objects to the divine, we maintain these objects with full sincerity while having no attachment to the objects, because our mind knows that the object is the divine’s, not ours.

For example, banks and their respective workers have access to millions of dollars from their customers’ accounts. The bank tellers know that the money is not theirs, and therefore, have a multitude of precautionary measures to ensure the safety of the money that they hold. Their actions are perfect in protecting others’ money, all the while having no attachment to that money, as they know it is not theirs.

In this same manner of thinking, by changing our perception and detaching ourselves from external material objects, we can achieve ultimate bliss, free of all bondage, with a clear path to that divine force.


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