‘Body, Mind, and Soul’ Retreat in Tomball,TX

By the Master’s Divine Plan, more and more seeking souls continue to find the path of happiness through the Body, Mind and Soul Retreat. On February 24th 2018, the retreat was an extra special one as it was conducted by Sri Ramanujamji.

About 30 registrants assembled at the beautiful Burroughs Park in Tomball, TX and started the day on a silent walk for 1 hour led by Ravi ji. This was followed by Yoga – exercises for the Body and the Breath, conducted by Malathi ji. The group then gathered for Reality Retreat meditation guided by Sriram ji. Sri Ramanujam Ji then gave a key note group motivational talk on the greatness of meditation and silent walk. How being on a path is so vital, but observing and enjoying the walk regardless of the chaos around is such a fascinating take-away. The day ended with harmonious lunch supported by Yen ji.

Future retreats will be planned on a once in a quarter basis to continue to motivate all in the pursuit of happiness.


Empathy for Leadership Workshop in Atlanta (Copy)


Body Mind and Soul Retreat in Houston