Happiness at Work at Intel, Hudson, MA

‘Beyond the Cube’ is a session for employees Intel Corporation that happens twice a year. This is a program series that happens across the company featuring world-class outside speakers inside Intel invited for the sake of employees to explore on various topics and dimensions.

Ram from Joy of Sharing was the special invited speaker at the Intel campus at Hudson, MA on Nov 13, 2012 and he spoke on Happiness at Work.
At the outset, he clarified to the participants that this was not about being happy at the workplace, but it was about how happiness was working all through within us! This brought smiles on the faces of the 70+ employees gathered for the talk. During the talk, Ram through various illustrations from his own personal experiences showed how there are things in the world that encourage us to be happy and how happiness is a choice for one and all.

The 60-minute talk got many to introspect and led to interesting discussions. Many employees could relate to the examples cited by Ram and felt thankful for having signed up for the session.


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