‘Purpose of Anger’- A Workshop in Seattle

On Sunday, December 6th 2015, at the Old Redmond Schoolhouse, Sri Ramanujamji lead a “Purpose of Anger” workshop from 2PM to 4PM.  There were 30 attendees who attended the event with the hope of understanding the root of their anger and learning techniques to tackle it.  Sri Ramajunamji started off by talking about how observations turn to evaluations, and finally become judgement and how if we are conscious of all this, it is possible to respond as opposed to react in situations when anger takes over.  He talked about the need to explicitly analyze the mind for unfulfilled needs when anger kicks in.  Once the need is identified, he stressed the importance of fulfilling that need to stop anger in its roots.

Towards the end of the session, everyone took a small break for snacks following which, Sri Ramanujamji invited six attendees to share their overall thoughts about the workshop and what they found most useful.  Numerous attendees personally interacted with Sri Ramanujamji at the end of the workshop and had a one on one question and answer session.


‘Harmonious Communication’ workshop at Lawrence BerkeLey National Lab, Berkeley CA


Life and Soul – 2015